Tuesday, 27 March 2012


A couple weeks ago, on a trip across the border, we bought Nyah her first bathing suit. Ever since then we have been dying to take her swimming. She's had a runny nose for a few weeks and I thought she may have a cold but since it's been so long now, I think my girl may suffer like her mama from allergies. So yesterday we decided we had waited long enough and it was time to take our girl to the South Surrey pool.

When we got to the pool we were so excited for Nyah to have her first swim we shared our excitement with the woman checking us in. She must have figured that we were new parents and had no idea what we were doing because she asked us if we had a pool diaper. Both Jay and I looked at each other clueless... I asked the woman if we could just use a regular diaper and I proceeded to get the feces in the pool lecture! Luckily, they had a reusable pool diaper for sale. So after purchasing this pool diaper for $11.00 we continued into the family change room. We stripped Nyah down and put her in the pool diaper. It was way too big.... if Nyah decided to "drop any kids of at the pool" they definitely would have gone for a swim. The woman at the front was really great and when Jay took the diaper back and told her it was way too big she gave him a smaller one. Even the smaller one was a little big but at this point I just wanted to get in the pool and swim with my girl. Once we got in our bathing suits it was time for one quick picture then off to the pool.

I love her little yellow ruffle swimsuit!

Nyah loves the bath so I was really hoping she would love the pool. Just like at bath time, I dipped her toes in so she could feel the water temperature. The kids pool was nice and warm.

We brought our camera in the underwater housing so we could take a picture of her chubby little legs under the water.

She really wasn't too sure what was happening. There was a lot of noise and a lot of people and things to look at. She was really serious the whole time and this was the closes expression we got to a smile.

She definitely looked cute as a button.

This was pretty much the look she had on her face the whole time! She was just so busy checking everything out.

She was probably wondering what the heck all these people were doing in her bath!

We took a couple family shots in the pool and this was the best one. Unfortunately, we had a water drop on the lens. I'm sure if we had a fancy editing program I might be able to fix it but I don't. If anyone out there wants to help and thinks they can fix this with some type of photoshop program, we would really appreciate it!

We weren't in the pool long before the little miss started to yawn. She had just had a nap before we got to the pool but it was a little too short.

After about 20 minutes, I thought it might be time to head home. We took one look at her little feet all pruned up and knew it was time to go!

Monday, 19 March 2012

.4 months.

The little miss turned 4 months old this past Sunday. It's amazing how much she has changed over these past months. She's growing like a weed. We did a quick little photo shoot today. The lighting wasn't great but here are a few of my favourites.

An old friend sent us this headband and we absolutely LOVE it! Thank you Chrystal!

This is the only picture I got of her full smile.... too bad I cut off her hand!

I'm pretty sure this shot is when she peed on our bed!

Such a sweet face.

I've been meaning to take these "body part" shots for a while now. There is nothing cuter than a baby belly button.

She has her mama's hands.

I love the bubbles brewing on the lips.

And she has her daddy's feet.

So serious!

I could stare at this face for hours... oh wait... I do!


Those blue eyes melt my heart

I love this girl more than anything in the world. I never could of imagined how much I would love being her mama. Spending my days taking care of her and watching her grow and learn have been some of the most satisfying moments of my life. Although I wish I could freeze time because it's just flying by, I can't wait to watch her grow and see what she discovers next.

Monday, 5 March 2012

.mommy loves you.

A couple weeks ago when I was laying in bed with Nyah I was overcome with the feeling of love and security as I remembered something from my childhood that I hadn't remembered in years and years. At first I was a little sad that I didn't really "remember" it until now. But then I realized that as I get older my childhood memories may become foggy as I create new memories with my own family but the old memories will always be there. And it's amazing how they "re-surface" at just the right moments. So as Nyah lay sleeping so peacefully, I softly kissed her forehead and gently whispered the words that I had heard every night of my childhood... "Good night, God Bless you, Mommy loves you". Ever since that night I've whispered these words to Nyah every night before she falls asleep. And when she gets older and asked me why I say this to her every night I will tell her because my mommy used to say it to me when I was a little girl.

Friday, 2 March 2012

.breaking news.

Sometimes when we are in bed, Nyah will do this little "inch worm" move to nestle into me so I thought that maybe she could roll over. So the other day Jay and I were playing with her on the floor and we were trying to get her to roll over from her back to stomach. She was pretty close! She uses her arm for momentum and throws it over her little body to start the rolling motion but she hasn't quite figured out how to move the underneath arm in order to get all the way over. It was so exciting to watch her try. So many times she almost did it! I was so proud that I could have almost cried!

Fast forward 2 days and you can imagine my surprise when during "tummy time" Miss. Nyah just rolls over from her tummy to back like it's no big deal!! **Reader discretion is advised; there is going to be some serious Mommy bragging coming up... lol... I can't believe that at 14 weeks and 6 days old, my little girl rolled over! What a smarty pants! Of course I did not have the camera ready to capture this amazing event so there are no rolling over photos to go with this post.

What I do have is some cute pictures from our first Valentines Day with Nyah. Everything just seems so much more special with her around. It was really fun to shop for little gifts for her and Jay.

I found this really sweet baby's 1st Valentines Day card that I'm going to keep and put in her baby book.

I wasn't really sure what to get Nyah for Valentines Day. Obviously chocolates were a no go and I didn't really think she could appreciate pretty flowers quite yet. When I saw this sweet little lamb, I knew he would be perfect for her. Happy Valentines Day My Girl!

Even Daddy couldn't resist a cuddle with his girl and her little lamb!

Picking out a little gift for Jay was so easy. Ever since I was pregnant he talked about wanting one of those baby carriers that you wear. I figured this would be a great gift and a great way for him to spend some special time with his little Valentine.

Now I could end this post here and it would already be ranked as my best Valentines Day ever! But this day got even more special when I received the most amazing Valentines gift from my loves. Jay and Nyah got me a beautiful white gold necklace with the letters of Nyah's name as the pendant! I absolutely LOVE this necklace! It means so much to me! One day when Nyah is older I'm going to give it to her on Valentines Day and I hope she loves it as much as I did.

In the afternoon, we meet up with Kristen and Adrianna for a Valentines Play Group Party. A group of local moms put together this little potluck party. It was super cute and a great way for kids and other mom's to connect. After the play group it was time to get ready for dinner. I was making a roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, veggies and yorkshire puddings! Unfortunately, it didn't quite turn out as planned. When I opened the oven there was a little bit of smoke! I didn't put enough water in the bottom of the roasting pan. Luckily, the roast was fine. The gravy on the other hand, not very good. For dessert I had bought the cutest little heart shaped ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. It was the best part of the whole meal!