Thursday 23 February 2012

.getting ready for baby.

Jay is alway giving me a hard time that I'm always wanting to take pictures of everything. Especially, when I make him take a million photos of me until I find one I like... lol... But going thru our photos, I'm so glad we do. I found these photos of us getting ready for Nyah's arrival. Jay did such a great job of putting everything together. I can't imagine how things would have turned out if I had to put this stuff together myself... I'm sure the crib would have been lopsided and the stroller missing a wheel!

Grandpa Ron and Grandma Sue bought us this stroller as a gift for our baby shower.
Wheels are on!
Great job babe! (but why does your shirt look like you were out painting?!... lol)
Putting Nyah's crib together was actually Jay's first official Daddy job!
I was so surprised he actually read the instructions!!
Wow... That's a lot of pieces!
Looking good!
My job was to put the bedding in.
And we have light...
I had this light switch cover for weeks before Jay pointed out that it wouldn't fit!... lol... Luckily he's handy and changed the switch so it would fit.

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