Friday, 2 August 2013

.20 months.

In the blink of an eye she turned 20 months old. She is now in that "get into everything" toddler stage! She's so curious but very independent. If she has her mind set on doing it herself good luck trying to stop her. Be prepared for a full on screaming fit. Sometimes she is so dramatic that I can't help but laugh and then want to give her a high five. I read somewhere that 2 and 14 are the most challenging years because they are so emotional and don't know how to communicate their feelings and I think to myself... God, please let me still smile and want to high five her when she is 14 years old throwing a fit because I looked at her the wrong way!

It's easy to forget the tough moments because there are so many amazing ones... like when you reach your arms out and she comes in running for a hug. Or when she makes this cute humming sound and leans in for a kiss. I feel like I really lucked out because she is so sweet and so cuddly. I love that she is not only this way with Jay and I but she is so affectionate with her little friends too. She sometimes throws her arms open in hopes of getting a hug or she'll try and sneak in for a kiss even if they don't want it! I love that she is so kind and loving. 

She is also starting to become quite the little chatter box. A lot of the time I have no idea what she is saying but sometimes I manage to catch a few words... Elmo, apple, kitty, tucker, dada, mama, up, bath, cup and my favorite... poop. I'm pretty sure that she just says poop because it's fun and doesn't know what it means. It's pretty cute.

Last week we went to Jay's parents house for dinner. Grandpa Ron let Nyah play his keyboard and she had a GREAT time! Anything that has a cause and effect is always a hit. I loved watching her make music for her first time! I'm really hoping that with a love for music on both sides of her family that maybe one day she will find a love for it too. Maybe the next Alicia Keys or Lady Gaga? Ok... maybe not Gaga... she's a little too crazy! Haha! 

Here are some photos that Ron got during Nyah's 1st piano practice. 

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