Thursday, 21 November 2013

.2 has arrived.

Nyah is two! Let me say that again... Two.... The big 2. I swear she woke up on the morning of her birthday and she was a grown up! It happened that fast. 

She really is becoming quite the opinionated little girl. You can often find her making a fish face while repeatedly saying No, No, No over and over again. Most of the time its SUPER cute... except that time at ballet where she lost her marbles because she didnt want to wait her turn and decided to have a full blown tantrum in the middle of the floor (although tantrums in tutu's are almost cute...).

Everyday she is saying new words and learning how to communicate. If she cant pronounce the full word she makes up her own abbreviation for it... like co for coloring or wa for water. She is very good with her manners... Peas and  wellwum. My favorite is when she says meme for excuse me after she farts. Such a lady!

I am still waiting for her to sleep through the night. This has been our greatest challenge. I know that when she is ready it will just happen but lord can momma use 8 consecutive hours. Just once! 

Jay and I decided that we didnt really want to introduce tv to her when she was a baby. We felt it was important that she learn to play both independently and with friends first. Recently, we have started to let her watch sesame street and SHE loves it. She dances with the music and tries to sing-a-long. To say she is obssessed with Elmo would be an understatement. Thats why picking a theme for her birthday was a no brainer!

Im so thankful that this year everyone was healthy and I was actually able to execute the party as I had planned. It was so nice having Kym here to help out too! Its always super special when your bff gets to share in the important moments of your child's life!

This year I let Jay off the hook and made all the decorations myself. Elmo themed decorations are pretty basic and easy. I got all my ideas from pinterest. 

Today's party was brought to you by the number 2.... (I was pretty happy with the way it turned out... Who knew coffee filters could look so pretty).

.... And by the letter N

I'm so lucky to have so many talented friends! Deanne made these cupcakes and they were delicious!

Saturday, 9 November 2013

.police, fire or ambulance.

Yesterday, was a very scary day. I had put Nyah in her crib while I used the washroom. Something I've done a million times but this time was different. I guess she decided she didn't want to be in there. It happened so quick. All I heard was a big thud... silence for a couple seconds... and then crying... I ran as fast as I could to find her laying outside of her crib, flat on her back. My instant reaction was to pick up my baby and comfort her. As soon as I swooped her up in my arms, she threw up all over me. I knew that throwing up could be a sign of something serious so I tried to stay calm but really on the inside I was panicking! I'd like to say I called 911 first but I didn't... I called Jay... I told him what happened and while we were talking I was holding her and she seemed to be a little shaken but ok. He said he would leave work right away and that he would see us soon. After hanging up the phone, I placed Nyah down on our bed and she burst into tears saying "ouchie, ouchie"... That was it... I was calling for an ambulance... I called Jay told him I was calling and then I dialed 911.

We had to wait a really long time for the ambulance... over 15 minutes. For a panicked momma, that felt like forever! While waiting, Nyah seemed to be returning to her usual self. By the time the ambulance arrived she was wanting to kick her ball around and build a tower of blocks! I felt like such a loser for calling 911 and now she was fine. I hated to be that person that was wasting their time. The attendants checked her over and said she seemed ok. They gave me signs of things to watch out for and said to call then back if she started to display any of them.

I'm so thankful that it wasn't anything serious. Just super scary! And I'm so thankful that Jay jumped into action and knew that we needed him by our side right away and for the ambulance attendants who I'm sure thought "Oh great! Another first time mom "emergency"" but made me feel like I had done the right thing. We received a lot of love and support from our friends too which made us feel so blessed. I have to share the text exchange between Deanne and I because it shows what a true friend she is... when she shares a sacred parenting tip with me!

Deanne: OMG!! So scary... Do they think she could have a concussion? If they didn't take her to the hospital the $50 will not be covered as there was no transportation.

Me: No... they said if she was continuously throwing up then they would be worried... She's totally fine. It's me that traumatized!

Deanne: Of course! Kids kill us

Me: It's shocking that more parents aren't alcoholics!

Deanne: We are... You just get good at hiding it... lol

This beautiful photo was taken by my amazing friend Kelly. Check out her blog On my Toes at This woman has got some serious talent!